Open Source Ball 2018

Connect with Open Minds!
Nov 9th, Palais Wertheim
Don't miss the Open Minds Award and the Open Source Ball at a prestigious palais in Vienna! The Austrian Open (Source) community meets and celebrates Open (Source) contributors and projects.
- 18:30 - Entrance open
- 19:00 - Welcome
- 19:05 - Keynote Max Schrems
- 19:25 - Open Minds Award Gala
Open Software (presented by Linuxwochen), Open Hardware (presented by Circular Economy Club), Open Data (presented by Open Knowledge Österreich), Open Talent, Open CMS
Moderation: Jeffrey A. "jam" McGuire
- 20:30 - Open Source Ball
The Austrian Open (Source) community meets to exchange ideas and celebrate.
Live Band: Orbital Hotel Band
Live Band: Matatu
Live Band: Gameboy Music Club
Tickets: EUR 25.-
Buy tickets
When? Nov, 9th, 18:30
Where? Palais Wertheim
Canovagasse 1-5
1010 Wien